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Hollywood Smile- Teeth Veneers
تجميل الوجه-تجميل الأسنان-هوليوود سمايل

Hollywood Smile At Elite Dental Clinics
Elite Dental Clinics New Cairo

See Elite Smile Makeover  Gallery

Meet Our Cosmetic Consultant 
Prof.Mohamed Mounir

BDS of Oral And Dental Medicine, 2001

Masters Degree, 2008

Ph.D, 2015

Owner And Chairman of Elite Dental Clinics

Digital Smile Designer

Restorative Dentistry Consultant 

Works as Lecturer in faculty of Dentistry of;

AL Azhar University

Sinai University

Nahda University

Modern Science And ِArts University

Facial aesthetics at elite dental clinics

Gummy Smile

الابتسامه اللثويه

أحد العوائق للحصول علي ابتسامه جميله هو مايعرف بالابتسامه اللثويه وهو ظهور جزء من اللثه أثناء الأبتسامه ...من حلول هذه المشكله بعد تحديدها من خلال تصميم الأبتسامه الرقمي هو رسم اللثه من جديد عن طريق الليزر أو تعديل وضع الشفاه العلويه بالتجميل مع د.نوري عادل..ويتم تحديد الطريقه المثلي بعد الكشف من قبل خبراء ايليت,,,معانا احنا بنحب نشوف ضحكتك منوره

          Gummy Smile is one of the obstacles facing your desired smile...At Elite Clinic, after diagnosis of the extent of gum interference using digital smile design, Our Experts can mange the problem by choosing between gum recontoring or lip repositioning . Line of tratment is decided according to the extent of gummy appearance during your smile...We love to see you smile...

Facial aesthetics at elite dental clinics

Facial Aesthetics

تجميل الوجه

علاج الابتسامه اللثويه وكذلك تجميل الشفاه وعلاج علامات تقدم العمرمن اهم اسباب تجميل الوجه ..كذلك تجميل الشفاه والانف والذقن ...كل هذا واكثر مع د.نوري عادل أخصائي تجميل الوجه في مركز إيليت 

         At Elite Clinics , facial aesthetics is performed by Dr. Noury Adel. If you suffers from gummy smile, bruxism, age wrinkles , schedule your appointment with our specialist. Small or incomptent lips, disproportion of facial features and aging signs, he will take care of your face and  proffesionally.

Facial Aesthetics At Elite Dental Clinic

Meet Our Facial Aesthetics Consultant

Dr.Noury Adel

  • Facial Esthetic Specialist

  • Masters of Oral and Maxillofacial surgery

  • Fellowship of International Academy of Facial Aesthetics (IAFA)

  • Membership of American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine(AAFA)

  • Membership And Collaboration of CMAC(Complications In Medical Aesthetic Collaborative)

  • Speaker And Trainer In Facial Aesthetics

Elite Dental Clinics

Contact Us

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Address: Health Care City HCC-Clinics 211 -212

Phone Number: 01009403030 -0228124314

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